Jump Start Beneficial Bacteria
Jump Start, by Koi Care Kennel, is a professional formula of 50% Nitrosomonas and 50% Nitrobacter nitrifying live beneficial bacteria designed to jump start your pond’s natural cycle. Jump Start is excellent for rapid “cycling” in a new bio-filter or to “Jump Start” existing bio-filters in Spring or after the use of harsh medications.
Note: Jump Start does NOT need to be refrigerated during shipping within the U.S. but should be kept refrigerated during storage.
Available in 2 sizes:Â
- 32 oz (1 quart) JumpStart treats 1,200 gallons
- 1 Gallon JumpStart treats 4,800 gallons
Directions: Apply at a rate of 1 oz per 36 gallons of pond water. You should expect to see your Ammonia levels drop over ~5 days and Nitrite reduction will take place over the course of ~14 days.Â
For best results, ensure your Alkalinity is at a minimum of 80ppm (Most koi ponds are kept at 100ppm – 130ppm). Water should be 65 degrees F or higher. Salt levels should be less than 0.15%. Treatment can be repeated every 2 weeks as needed. For maximum impact, don’t backwash your filter for at least 3 weeks after application.Â