Firestone Seam Roller – Silicone Rubber Roller
The Firestone Silicone Seam Roller is used when using Firestone Liner with either double-sided splice tape or single-sided cover tape. It has a 4″ wooden handle and a 1.5″ diameter silicone roller to be able to press down the liner and tape together to get the most secure fitting.
Silicone Rubber Roller consists of a 38.1 mm (1.5”) silicone rubber covered steel roller with a wooden handle. The roller is designed to be used to mate approved Firestone membranes with Firestone’s QuickSeam Cover Strip or QuickSeam Seam Tape and for rolling QuickSeam Flashing that has been applied for sealing details.
PRECAUTIONARY DATA: 1. Keep roller clean and free from adhesive or other contaminant buildups. 2. Roller may be cleaned with SP-100 Splice Wash or other compatible solvents.